Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Welcome to the blog.

I'll ride from Oregon to Michigan on a route of my own making this summer. The route I've created is over 4,000 miles and begins with a loop around Washington State and Oregon before I begin heading east. More on this later. Who knows if I'll make it.

Here's how this blog is going to work. You, reader, fit into one of two categories, and I'll cater to both of you to make this page useful. 

The first: You are a family member or a close friend of mine. You want to briefly see where I am and where I've been. You want some account of bizarre or particularly adventurous moments of mine on the road.

The second: You are planning a bike tour of your own along a similar route -- or at least dreaming of a big tour. A person in this category will likely spend more time on this blog. This person is concerned with the width of shoulders on the road, how my gear is holding up, where good food is, where to camp, how I've planned my route and how I've overcome logistical challenges like lost maps and broken bike chains. 

I owe a tremendous debt already both to people in my life who have supported me so far and bike tourists online who graciously account their own adventures on similar blogs, so that I might not repeat their mistakes. In particular I've relied on Explorer Duck's journal of her trans-U.S. tour as well as Crazy Guy on a Bike. And I am especially indebted to two of my close friends -- both named Mike -- who together have accomplished feats of bike touring that have long inspired me to get out there. Both have answered my many questions over the years.

Whoever you are, thanks for coming here. 

Oh, and if the blog looks awful, just tell me on Twitter @Stringerjourno or on Instagram @grantj_stringer